Sabtu, 30 Oktober 2021

The Warning

    The Warning

The Warning

Album : The Warning 
Artist : Queensrÿche
Release Date : 1984
Label : EMI 

Track List :

1. Warning
2. En Force
3. Deliverance
4. No Sanctuary
5. NM 156
6. Take Hold of the Flame
7. Before the Storm
8. Child of Fire
9. Roads to Madness

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I remember I was asking why,
and someday you said I'd know.
All these years of fighting hard
and now it's finally come too close.

I can't believe it's now happening to me,
now couldn't it wait a few hundred years.
Destiny can't rest you see, now it's time,
a time to cry your tears.

Now cry!

The child of centuries
forgotten in time,
you talk in circles of rhyme.

Seer of places future and past,
the warning you gave us
is surely our last.


Behold the child, his pointing hand
when it's raised in solemn grace,
his eyes once wide with learning wonder
now leave stains, stains upon his face.

Now see the hands of the working man,
he's leaning back, back against the wall.
Once busy hands are idle now, standing
ready, ready for the fall!

Our fall!

The signs will come as days pass
by for those that claim to see.
The blind will stay, not choosing to die,
not believing the visions I've seen.


En Force

Light tracers follow me further
into the depths of the unknown.
The blackness surrounding the
borders of hope, we're alone.

We plead for the signs of a second
chance in hopes it will stifle the fear.
The dying remains of a world gone insane,
we are near the end.

A course that will lead us through
darkness, prepared by our leaders insist.
We mustn't fall prey to the shadow
of the iron fist.

We enter the void with
our eyes straight ahead,
the force all around us we feel.
The twisted contusions of hatred
will finally reveal.

Master of nations revealed,
the beams from his soul
you will feel.

Slicing and tearing our way to the gate,
a towering fortress of blackened steel.
Desolate plains holding dying remains,
heed the call of the master.

We'll soar to the edges of time!

Light tracers follow me further
into the depths of the unknown.
The blackness surrounding the
borders of hope, we're alone.

We plead for the signs,
give us a second chance in
hopes it will stifle the fear.
The battered remains of world
gone insane, we are near.

Master of nations revealed,
the beams from his soul
you will feel.

Master of nations revealed,
the beams from his soul
you will feel.

Once long ago we had to hide
in the shadows of the land
to keep us away from the crawl,
Enforcer's taking hold of us all.


Ride swift across the plain,
don't you turn back, keep heed in your flame.
Kings with no mercy, this planet at war,
torn from enchantment this land forevermore.

Born from obsession, you cried death for light,
you saw things before and after you died.
Back from beyond to rule again but this life
denies you, its fight to the end.

Back from the dawn,
deliver us right from wrong.
Kings forge the way
for your last day.

You search the eyes of
those who fear the law.
Dark and light, we all must
keep the balance strong.

One day a king will
rise with the sun,
the moon, and the stars.

And you are he and you
must die to be born again,
come again, once more be
again the king.

Back from the dawn,
deliver us right from wrong.
Kings forge the way
for your last day.

No Sanctuary

There's a certain feeling
known to all who hear the sound,
the call of morning rising.

You're in a mystic space,
can't you feel the force embrace,
the chill of the wind
as it names you.

Oh can't you see
the lies in front of you?
Your journey ends so far
and still the distance
spins round and round you.

Now you cry "Give me sanctuary!",
you scream but no one listens.
Again you cry "Give me sanctuary!".

Until the end I'll
fight and die to be free.
Oh, no sanctuary!

You're walking halfway in
but crawling halfway out.
There's a void in your mind
that you cling to.

You feel lost in time,
you've got no words to rhyme,
no more charms, no more
spells to protect you.

Oh can't you see
the lies in front of you?
Your journey ends so far
and still the distance
spins round and round you.

Now you cry "Give me sanctuary!",
you scream but no one listens.
Again you cry "Give me sanctuary!".
Until the end I'll fight and die,
I've got to be free.

No sanctuary...

Round and round
and round and round you.
Round and round you!

Now you cry "Give me sanctuary!",
you scream but no one listens.
Again you cry "Give me sanctuary!".
Until the end I'll fight and die,
I've got to be free.

No sanctuary...

NM 156

Machines have no conscience!

Uniform printout
reads end of line,
protect code intact
leaves little time.

Erratic surveys,
free thinking not allowed.
My hands shake, my push buttons
silence the outside crowd.

One world government has
outlawed war among nations,
now social control requires
population termination.

Have we come too
far to turn around,
does emotion hold the key?

Is logic just a synonym for
this savagery disguised in
forgotten lost memory?

Microchip logic,
have we no more thoughts?
"Is this wrong" I enter,
answers sought.

Punch, punch, punch,
transfer this data into code.
Wide eyes watch my number,
156 is shown.

Created from past life
to perform illicit function,
I fail this conscious madness.
I, Man/Machine imperfection!

Have we come too
far to turn around,
does emotion hold the key?

Is logic just a synonym for
this savagery disguised in
forgotten lost memory?

End of line...

Take Hold of the Flame

We see the light of those who
find a world has passed them by,
to late to save a dream
that's growing cold.

We realize that fate must
hide its face from those
who try to see the distant
signs of unforetold.

Oh, take hold!

From a haze came a rage of thunder,
distant signs of darkness on the way.
Fading cries scream of pain and hunger
but in the night the light will guide your way.

So take hold of the flame,
don't you see life's a game?
So take hold of the flame,
you've got nothing to lose
but everything to gain.

Ride to a place beyond our time,
reach for the edges of your mind,
and you are there.

See that the light will
find its way back to a
place where it will stay,
make it stay.

Throw down the chains of oppression that bind you,
with the air of freedom the flame grows bright.
We are the strong, the youth united,
we are one, we are children of the light.

So take hold of the flame,
don't you see life's a game?
So take hold of the flame,
you've got nothing to lose
but everything to gain.

Before the Storm

Red gates of iron cast their
black shadows on this land,
dividing souls far below.

The gathering winds,
the armies watch are rising
from the west, foretelling
news of freedom's hand.

In secrecy they've infiltrated
all of our strongholds,
controlling more year after year.

So we've let this happen all
along believing what's been said.
Our leaders cry, we have no one to fear.

We watch the sun rise and hope,
we watch the sun rise and hope
that it won't be our last.
Before the storm...

Is it late to try,
must we all die?
Our system awaits tests,
freedom by choice.

Is it for all man best?

So we wait in fear, the atom split,
our hearts in two be torn.
Learn from the past before the storm.

We watch the sun rise and hope,
we watch the sun rise and hope
that it won't be our last.
Before the storm...

Child of Fire

Born into darkness in Saturn's sight,
riding the night like the wind.
Ripping the heart form a world that
is right, treading the borders of sin.

Child of fire!
The souls that are damned
by the pain that you bring
send you higher.

Slashing destruction,
your right hand sword ringing,
to the ends of the earth you will fly.
Conquering masses in wanton deception,
blood-red your black flag waves high.

Child of fire!
The souls that are damned
by the pain that you bring
send you higher.

Look around, is this the
end that you have foreseen,
the pain, the misery in us all?

What was it that you knew,
will we one day learn it too,
and together build another way
to the morning?

Or will it ever come again?
You've poisoned all our hopes,
we have nothing now.

And what of the children,
what has this done to them?
Damn you for the pain
that they must feel.

The last hero standing,
no time to turn back.
He's listening, he waits
for your call.

The black barren plains
reflect the hope of the same
for one only waiting to fall.

Child of fire!
The souls that are damned
by the pain that you bring
send you higher.

Roads to Madness

Most of this is memory now,
I've gone too far to turn back now.
I'm not quite what I thought I was
but then again I'm maybe more.

The blood-words promised I've spoken,
releasing the names from the circle.
Maybe I can leave here now and
transcend the boundaries.

For now I'm standing here,
I'm awaiting this grand transition.
The future is but past forgotten
on the road to madness.

Times measure rusts as it crawls,
I see its face in the looking glass.
Stop, this screaming laughter hides
the pain of its reality.

Black, the door was locked I opened
and now I've paid that price ten-fold over.
Knowledge,was it worth such torment,
to see the far side of shadow?

And still I'm standing here,
I'm awaiting this grand transition.
I'm a fool in search of wisdom,
and I'm on the road to madness.

I'm awaiting endlessly,
pounding rhythms echo me.
Won't you take me somewhere
far beyond the void?

And still I'm standing here,
I'm awaiting this grand transition.
Maybe one day I'll meet you and
we'll walk the roads to madness.

I think they've come to take me,
I hear the voice but there's no one to see.
I can't scream, too late it's time!

Stay on the course to pass,
you'll never find the answer
to a place where darkened angels
seemed lost and never found.

Scream to see the light of
Forming figures fast behind you,
lay the past in the wind to spin
and your fate will sail beyond
the open plains.

Sail with angels onward,
live or die for the chosen one said.
Saber sights cast a spell behind you
and they lock in all around.

Free the scene insider,
never looking back to find why.
Ride a course till the end of time
and you'll stand atop the gate.

Laying waste in a path recited,
fighting force won't avenge
the guided black wing.

Electric might poses fright inside me
Seeing light at the end of sight
reminds me I've passed away.


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