
In a world so big and cold you seem so all alone
Then someone enters your life and makes it all seem right
Sometimes things do change
Love turns to bitter rage and you say "Never again"
but emotions always mend

It's the root of all disharmony
but it's the need to feel complete
It's a physical attraction
a chemical reaction
a walking contradiction
a push, pull affliction
It's a love...hate relationship

You can see it in our band
we're all so different
Every solution we come to starts with an argument
But through adversity the music's in our heart
We'll stay together you can't tear us apart

It's the root of all disharmony
but it's the need to feel complete
It's a physical attraction
a chemical reaction
a walking contradiction
a push, pull affliction
It's a love...hate relationship

Love...hate is it one in the same
I can't differentiate between love and hate
Love...hate is it one in the same
I can't differentiate between love and hate
I hate to love, I love to hate you love and hate is it one in the
same love...hate

We always take for granted the one's that we love
We think they'll always be there
and we treat them as such
But if we really make an effort to
Show them that we care
Our love will shine through and the hate will disappear

It's the root of all disharmony
but it's the need to feel complete
It's a physical attraction
a chemical reaction
a walking contradiction
a push, pull affliction
It's a love...hate relationship

The American Way

Truth and honor faith and pride
All convictions surely died
Honesties time has passed
Time for lies is here at last
Truth is false I'm so fed up
How did we come to be so fucked
Hate fear pain death
All our country has got left

Talk to children hear them say
Daddy left again today
Brother steals and mommy lies
Future lost before their eyes
The sun was lost behind the clouds
They rapped it up and blacked it out
Acid rain fell today
It came and washed our hopes away

This was once the land of dreams
Now these dreams have turned to greed
In the midst of all this wealth the poor are left to help themselves
A capitalist's democracy
No one said that freedom's free
Lady liberty rots away
No truth, no justice the American way

Don't look past your t.v.
All of us are what you see
A looking glass into our lives
What we watch is what we buy
Priorities are out of whack
Who is next to stab our back
Doesn't it make you mad to have lost all that we've had

This was once the land of dreams
Now these dreams have turned to greed
In the midst of all this wealth the poor are left to help themselves
A capitalist's democracy no one said that freedom's free
Lady liberty rots away
No truth, no justice the American way

Doesn't it fill you with disgust
that there's no one left to trust
Is this happening is this real
My body numb I cannot feel
Are you happy are you sad
Are emotions a thing of the past
I have no tears I cannot cry
No one mourns for a world that's died

This was once the land of dreams
Now these dreams have turned to greed
In the midst of all this wealth the poor are left to help themselves
A capitalist's democracy no one said that freedom's free
Lady liberty rots away
No truth, no justice the American way

The Way It Is

We knew your reputation
We hoped that things could be different
But you just proved us wrong
and now you're up to your same old tricks
I guess we learned a lesson that people don't change overnight
Things will work out well
With a little hard work it'll be alright

How could we be so foolish to rush head first, without a thought
I guess it goes to show
If you're unprepared you will be caught
But now we've learned a lesson
a lesson which we won't forget
With our newfound wisdom things'll work out in the end

This is the way it is
Not how things should be
This is the way it is
This is reality
This is the way it is
Not how things should be
This is the way it is
This is reality

You seemed so sincere
We'd work together it'd be lot's of fun
But all you saw was money
It's not the issue 'til the music's done
To you it's doing business
To us it's doing what we love
We'll just do our thing
We won't give in for a buck

This is the way it is
Not how things should be
This is the way it is
This is reality
This is the way it is
Not how things should be
This is the way it is
This is reality

Like a soul attaining heaven we must ascend to greater heights
Got to make a change got to make a change,
the time is right now I wish you well
and thank you for what you've done for me
To quote you "Mr. Businessman" there's things in life that aren't free

This is the way it is
Not how things should be
This is the way it is
This is reality
This is the way it is
Not how things should be
This is the way it is
This is reality

Crimes Against Humanity

Toxins, pollutants and poisonous gasses
Without notice take their toll on the masses
Air becomes thicker than the water we drink
People unaware of the spread of disease
Smoke fills the sky and the sun disappears
Rain from above is like acid filled tears
The fragile balance of sky and earth has been altered forever
Harmony disturbed

Towering temples of modernization
Megatropolis monument to civilization
Pollution and waste is direct indication
to the growing problem of the world's situation
Smoke fills the sky and the sun disappears
Rain from above is like acid filled tears
The fragile balance of sky and earth has been altered forever
Harmony disturbed

What will it take to make us see
These are crimes against humanity
Not only you, not only me but even our future society
These are crimes against humanity

Pain and suffering are what can be found
Violence and hatred are what abound
Building the weapons that we can't use
Can't we see they have only one use
We need more compassion not more war planes
Are we so blind uncaring insane
Brought into this world with nothing
and with nothing we're destined to depart

What will it take to make us see
These are crimes against humanity
Not only you, not only me but even our future society
These are crimes against humanity
Crimes against humanity

State of Emergency

Jailed and beaten, left to die
Political prisoners of apartheid
Youth of the nation violently oppressed
In the quest for freedom thousands dead

How can we let this be
In their country they must be free
When will segration end
When will the masses be free again

I can't conceive of this injustice
I can't believe it's going on
White man's law is held supreme
Black man have no rights at all

How can we let this be
In their country they must be free
When will segration end
When will the masses be free again

In this age let's have harmony
All people can be free
This injustice mustnow end
The masses will be free again

How can we let this be
In their country they must be free
When will segration end
When will the masses be free again

Who's to Blame

Jonny can you hear me
Turn that music down
You're making too much noise
I mean it do it now
All that stuff is evil
Ozzy, Judas Priest
There's backwards messages in that stuff
that leads you to the beast

Jonny don't you hear me
Open up that door
I've been calling you for hours
I won't say it anymore
Just wait until your dad gets home and sees what you have done
Kicked out of school
You've got no job
You're a useless delinquent bum
Oh my god it's Jonny hanging by his neck
All those metal albums have led him to his death

Now it's time for parents to open ears and listen
Maybe it's too late to see what you've been missing
Music is no cause of death it's you that suffocates
If you had opened your eyes and ears you'd see just who's to

Who's to be responsible for a life that's gone off track
Who's the one who must be there to see it gets put back
Where were you to hear the cries of a person in need
Were you there to see the signs or were you too busy

Now it's time for parents to open ears and listen
Maybe it's too late to see what you've been missing
Music is no cause of death it's you that suffocates
If you had opened your eyes and ears you'd see just who's to

Who's to be responsible for a life that's gone off track
Who's the one who must be there to see it gets put back
Where were you to hear the cries of a person in need
Were you there to see the signs or were you too busy

Who's the cause, who's the blame for a life that's not worth living
Is it parents, family who take without giving
So next time that you close your eyes and choose to shift the blame
Remember you can save a life so really who's to blame?!

I Don't Know

I don't know what you think
I don't know what you want me to be
I don't know how you want me to act
I've fallen into another trap

I don't know what you want me to be
I can't change I can only be me
I won't fit into your classifications
I won't be tagged by restricting labels

I can't fit into your classifications
a nice little package for media conversation
I don't know what you want
I won't change or play a part

I don't know what you want me to be
I can't change I can only be me
I won't fit into your classifications
I won't be tagged by restricting labels

I don't know what you think
I don't know what you want me to be
I don't know how you want me to act
I've fallen into another trap

I don't know what you want me to be
I can't change I can only be me
I won't fit into your classifications
I won't be tagged by restricting labels

31 Flavors

Vanilla is smooth chocolate is kickin'
Strawberry is sweet all deserve a hearty lickin'
Have em all
three scoops piled high
Variety is the spice of life

Well you can have soft serve and hard sugar cones
Root beer floats or my banana split
Do you like nuts or some sticky whip creme
Come lick it off
and be my dairy queen

I love the Chilis
Freaky, uplift, mother's milk
Faith No More
Mike Patton's voice is smooth as silk
Metallica's music makes me want to rage
Sting's lyrics have something to say
Jimi Hendrix plays guitar like a no one else
Black Sabbath
Ozzy's voice is sick as hell
Prince, Fishbone, NWA
These are the things that I like to play

Mr. Bungle is so very cool
So don't be an ignorant fool
There's so much music for you to choose
So don't just be a metal dude it's cool