Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2022

United Abominations

United Abominations  ( 2007 )      

United Abominations

Band: Megadeth
 United Abominations       

Year: 2007
Genre: Thrash Metal
Country: United State America
 Format | Quality: mp3 
Label:  Roadrunner   Records



01 -  Sleepwalker

02 - Washington Is Next! 

03 - Never Walk Alone... A Call to Arms

04 - United Abominations

05 -  Gears of War

06. - Blessed Are the Dead

07. - Play for Blood

08. - À tout le monde (Set Me Free) 

09.  Amerikhastan

10.  You're Dead

11.  Burnt Ice


#Endgame ( 2009 )

#Thrash Metal


United Abominations   ( 2007 ).rar


01. Sleepwalker....... ...
I should be calling collect from jail for the things I commit each night in my head
Like last night in my sleep I got to snuff you but then I woke up again safe in my little bed

No one is safe when I close my eyes
I come to take your life

I get to force your untimely disappearance, each night in my dreams, when I’m fast asleep
I close my eyes, you just vanish soon as I lay down my head when I’m dead to the whole wide world

No one is safe when I close my eyes
I come to take your life

And then I wake up again
And it was all just a dream
And everything is the same

(Sleepwalker) did I give you concrete shoes? And throw you off of a bridge
(Sleepwalker) when I lay down to sleep, pray your soul’s mine to keep, I feel you near me, Sleepwalker

Just taking a stroll
Don’t go to sleep
Here’s some toothpicks for your eyes

You always make an excellent cadaver, I roll your body up in a carpet to make music in the trunk of my limousine, wrapped up in a rug
A fitting end is that I send you up the river like a punk

No one is safe when I close my eyes
I come to take your life

The Angel of Death is pissed off at me again, just because I got to put you out of my misery
It doesn’t matter, I am without fear, now you’re dead, I won’t shed another bloody tear for you

No one is safe when I close my eyes
I come to take your life

I’m calling down the thunder
Then you’ll sleep with the fishes
The answer to all of my wishes

(Sleepwalker) did I tell you I was in movies? Then dump you garroted lying naked in a ditch
(Sleepwalker) everyday, another way, I know you can hear me

Woah, I think you’d look nice in a Colombian necktie, should stop your tongue from wagging the dog
No more stupidity from you as I pull your tongue through for a smile from ear to ear, now there’s nothing to hear

No one is safe when I close my eyes
I come to take your life

And then I wake up again
And it was all just a dream
And everything is still the same

(Sleepwalker) did I give you concrete shoes? And throw your body off of a bridge
(Sleepwalker) when I lay down to sleep, pray your soul is mine to keep, I feel you near me

(Sleepwalker) or did I tell you I was in movies? Then dump you garroted lying naked in a ditch
(Sleepwalker) everyday, another way, I know you can hear me

(Sleepwalker) did I buy you the farm? Put a horse head in your bed
(Sleepwalker) when I lay down to sleep, pray your soul is mine to keep, I feel you near me

(Sleepwalker) everyday, everyday another way
(Sleepwalker) when I lay down to sleep, pray your soul is mine to keep, I know you can hear me

(Sleepwalker, sleepwalker, sleepwalker, sleepwalker, sleepwalker, sleepwalker)
02. Washington Is Next!....... ...
The quiet war has begun with silent weapons
And the new slavery is to keep
The people poor and stupid
“Novus Ordo Seclorum”

How can there be any logic in biological war?
We all know this is wrong
But the New World Orders beating down the door
Oh, something needs to be done

There was a King, (Evil King) who dreamt the wickedest of dreams
An ancient mystery no prophet could interpret
Of seven years of famine, the wolf is at my door
As predicted years ago, that, that was, that is, that is no more

The word predicts the future
And tells the truth about the past
Of how the world leaders will hail the new Pharaoh
The Eighth False King to the throne, Washington is next

Disengage their minds
Sabotage their health
Promote sex and war and violence in the kindergartens
Blame the parents and teachers, it’s their fault, “Annuit Coeptis”

Attack the church dynamic, attack the family
Keep the public undisciplined till nothing left is sacred
And the “Have nots” get hooked
And have to go to the “Haves” just to cop a fix

I am the King, (Evil King) who dreams the wickedest of dreams
An ancient mystery nobody could interpret
Of seven empires falling, the wolf is at my door
As predicted years ago, that, that was, that is, that is no more

The word predicts my future
And tells the truth about my past
Of how the world leaders are waiting to usher in
The Eighth World Power of modern Rome, Washington is next

There was a King, (Evil King) who dreamt the wickedest of dreams
An ancient mystery no prophet could interpret
Of seven empires falling, the wolf is at my door
As predicted years ago, that, that was, that is, that is no more

I am a King and I dream the wildest dreams
And nobody could interpret
Seven empires falling, the wolf is at my door
Uh, that, that was, that is, that is no more

There’s something at my door, some ancient mystery
The future tells the truth about the past
I’m the Eighth False King to the throne
I’ve got you in my cross hairs, now ain’t that a bitch?

Washington, you’re next!
03. Never Walk Alone... A Call to Arms ..........
Hiding in then the door way
And then the shadow
Any place where danger
Waits to kill my time

There is one who loves and waits
To seal your fate
I’m sure as you live and die
Live and die, live and die

When you feel that something’s wrong
I’ll shelter you and keep you warm
I’ll never let you walk alone
I loved you when you still hated me

I’m comin and I won’t be long
Time to reap what I have sown
Never ever let you walk alone
I know your enemy it once was me

Let me wrap my arms all around you
Suffer the trespasses that you made
I will drink your pain away
Forever and a day

If you just call out my name
If you just call
Call my name
If you just call, even whisper it

When you feel that something’s wrong
I’ll shelter you and keep you warm
I’ll never let you walk alone
I loved you when you still hated me

I’m comin and I won’t be long
It’s time to reap what I have sown
Never ever let you walk alone
I know your enemy it once was me

When you feel that something’s wrong
I’ll shelter you and keep you warm
I’ll never let you walk alone
I loved you when you still hated me

I’m comin and I won’t be long
It’s time to reap what I have sown
Never ever let you walk alone
I know your enemy it once was me

When you feel that something’s wrong
I’ll shelter you and keep you warm
I’ll never let you walk alone
I loved you when you still hated me

I’m comin and I won’t be long
Time to reap what I have sown
Never ever let you walk alone
I know your enemy it once was me, oh
04. United Abominations .........
“Within striking distance from Ground Zero sits a smoldering international cauldron, the United Abominations as it were
Born to prevent wars, it froze in the face of disaster and stood silent while terrorization to hostage of the world
In a mire of hypocrisy, the U.N. ignores sex crimes by its “blue helmets”, and enables terrorism; so in the end it’s failed and the U.N. is where our so-called friends get to stab us in the back and we pay 22% of their tab to host our enemies here at home
Ambassadors from countries enjoy otherwise known as a catastrophe, enjoy Diplomatic immunity living in Manhattan, while their children are turned into prostitutes
It’s a complete and utter disgrace, a blot on the face of humanity, and they get away with it”

Poverty in their kitchens, held hostage by oil for food
Yet their own plates are full of the fat of their lands, there’s no blood on their hands (Right Kojo?)
They promised to tell the truth without leaving a fingerprint
They will lose the UN one way or another, the victim, I fear will be us, sisters and brothers

The UN is right, you can’t be any more un
Than you are right now, the UN is undone
Another mushroom cloud, another smoking gun
The threat is real, the Locust King has come

Don’t tell me the truth, I don’t like what they’ve done
It’s payback time at the United Abominations

A grave and gathering danger, the decision to attack
Based on secret intelligence it’ll take years, I fear to undo the failings in Iraq (Iran and Korea)
You may bury the bodies but you can’t bury the crimes
Only fools stand up and really lay down their arms, no, not me, not when death lasts forever

The UN is right, you can’t be any more un
Than you are right now, the UN is undone
Another mushroom cloud, another smoking gun
The threat is real, the Locust King has come

Don’t tell me the truth, I don’t like what they’ve done
It’s payback time

“Les Nations Unies votent résolution après résolution. Nous avons besoin d’un nouvel ordre mondial!”
“L’ordre n’existe pas! Je ne vois vraiment pas pourquoi s’en inquiéter, il ne font jamais rien de toute façon…”
“Oui, un nouvel ordre …”

The UN is right, you can’t be any more un
Than you are right now, the UN is undone
Another mushroom cloud, another smoking gun
The threat is real, the Locust King has come

The UN is right, you can’t be any more un
Than you are right now, the UN is undone
Another mushroom cloud, another smoking gun
The threat is real, the Locust King has come

Don’t tell me the truth, I don’t like what they’ve done
It’s payback time at the United Abominations

“NATO invaded Yugoslavia to end ethnic cleansing, there was no U.N.
The U.S. invaded Afghanistan after 9/11, there was no U.N. Saddam Hussein violated 17 U.N. resolutions. The U.N. was asked to join the war in Iraq
The U.S. invaded, ha! there was no U.N. Libya bombed a discotheque in Berlin killing Americans, there was no U.N.
Iran funds Hamas, and attacked the U.S. in the seventies, there was no stinking U.N.
Facing War without end, looking into the future, there was no more U.N.
05. Gears of War.... ...
Gears of War
Gears of War
Gears of War
Gears of War

Gears of War
Gears of War
Gears of War
Gears of War

Ethnic cleansing with no defending
These acts of genocide
A fatal ending with no surrendering
To cover up the crimes and lie

Smart bombs, precision guided armament
A more sophisticated way to end up dead
Still we search and invent such intelligent weapons
That kill each other like the Gears of War

Gears of War
Gears of War, hoorah
Gears of War
Gears of War

If you ride (If you ride) with thieves, then you die (then you die) with thieves
Cross my heart (cross my heart) and hope that you die (that you die)
When the smoke (when the smoke) has cleared, the Devil’s (the Devil’s) in the mirror
And you see (and you see) his warheads paint the sky, now you die

Smart bombs, precision guided armament
A more sophisticated way to end up dead
Still we search and invent such intelligent weapons
That kill each other like the Gears of War
06. Blessed Are the Dead..... ...
A great sign appeared under the stars and the moon
Sound of galloping horses on clouds of lightning and thunder
A dark gathering storm to scorch the earth for many generations
A nuclear winter, worse than any cold or holy war

A white horse on the clouds of death, a red warhorse to end all wars
A pale horse and pestilence led by a black horse with famine and scales
The doctrine of hatred, nation will rise against nation
Wash me in blood and let me be the firstborn of the dead

A crowned rider with arrows and bow
A red rider with a great fiery sword
Flames come from the one called death
Horror and apocalypse follows

Ride, won’t you four horsemen ride again?
Before this kingdom is blown to kingdom come
Ride, I hold fast to what I believe till I see my name in stone
Blessed are the dead, that the may rest

A white horse on the clouds of death, a red warhorse to end all wars
A pale horse and pestilence led by a black horse with famine and scales
The synagogue of Satan, nation will rise against nation
Wash me in blood and let me be the firstborn of the dead

A crowned rider with arrows and bow
A red rider with a great fiery sword
Flames come from the one called death
Horror and apocalypse follows

Ride, won’t you four horsemen ride again?
Before this kingdom is blown to kingdom come
Ride, I hold fast to what I believe till I see my name in stone
Blessed are the dead
007. Play for Blood..... ...
Anybody searching for action, anything to feel the emptiness inside
Any place that the streets are empty, any takers wanna pour out their lives
With fire and lighting shooting from my hand and desolation written across my eyes
My itchy finger on hair pain trigger, my tempers hot and my patience’s taken flight

Inside the abattoir, the cover charge is somebody’s gotta die
Now, I hear you screaming out for mercy, last man that’s standing wins the fight
Too late, I see your end zero in on you, even mortal enemies they can’t deny, let me help you up again
The wings of God surround me, I live to play because I know I’ll never, never die

If I win again, I’m still the champion
And if you win, ha, that’s just impossible
I don’t play for keeps, I don’t play for your soul
I don’t play to win, I don’t play for it all, I play for blood

I don’t play for keeps, I play for blood
I don’t play for your soul, I play for blood
I don’t play to win, I play for blood
I don’t play for it all, I play for blood

Play for blood
08. À tout le monde (Set Me Free)...... ...
The Hardest Part Of Letting Go…

Don’t remember where I was, I realized life was a game
The more seriously I took things, the harder the rules became
I had no idea what it’d cost, my life passed before my eyes
When I found out how little I accomplished, all my plans denied

So as you read this know my friends
I’d love to stay with you all
Please smile when you think of me
My body’s gone, that’s all

À tout le monde, à tout mes amis
Je vous aime, je dois partir
These are the last words, I’ll ever speak
And they’ll set me free

If my heart (if my heart) was still alive (was still alive)
I know it would surely break
And my memories left with you (and my memories left with you)
There’s nothing more to say

Moving on is a simple thing
What it leaves behind is hard
You know the sleeping, feel no more pain
And living, all are scarred

À tout le monde, à tout mes amis
Je vous aime, je dois partir
These are the last words, I’ll ever speak
And they’ll set me free

So as you read this, know it my friends
I’d love to stay with you all
(Plese smile) Please smile, smile when you think about me
My body’s gone, that’s all (that’s all)

À tout le monde (à tout le monde), à tout mes amis (à tout mes amis)
Je vous aime (je vous aime), je dois partir (je dois partir)
These are the last words, I’ll ever speak
And they’ll set me free

À tout le monde (à tout le monde), à tout mes amis (à tout mes amis)
Je vous aime (je vous aime), je dois partir (je dois partir)
These are the last words, I’ll ever speak
And they’ll set me free

These are the last words
I’ll ever speak and they’ll set me free
09. Amerikhastan...... ...
Recruiting the ill fated for “The War”
Illusion of uneducated, bankrupt souls
With a lust for revenge answering the call
From New Yorqatar to Califarabia

Desperation provides fertile ground for religious extremism
This glorious brainwashing where prejudice lies like a crouching tiger
Tormenting peasants till they erect an army under everyone’s nose
In the end propaganda destroys their DNA, God help them

All that they envisioned of what things would come to be
Turned into a pink mist when they blew to smithereens
We are just a war away from Amerikhastan
When God versus God, the undoing of man

Promising a vapor
In the end they become one

No rules of engagement, this enemy hides amongst women and children and to beat violence you must ignore the focus groups
You must send in the Mossad, turn of the BBC, CNN and don’t look back, rest assured there’ll be no more Middle Eastern crisis, hell, there’ll be no more Middle East
These are your people Lady Liberty, pull up your dress today and tattooed is “Property of The USA a subsidiary of Halliburton”
Surprise? But a roaring lion is about to be unleashed on earth, hey, Jihad Joe? Guess what? We’re coming to get you

All that you envisioned of what things will come to be
Turns into a death knell when you look behind the scenes
We are just a war away from Amerikhastan
When God versus God, the undoing of man
There’s nothing you can do!
10. You're Dead...... ...
When someone becomes nothing to anyone
Whilst feelings have died anyone would know it
They set out sticks and stones, they say they crossed my bones
I say I don’t get mad I get even before they do

Spoils go to the victor
I’m dead on time
Your time is going to come

One day I’ll dance on your graves
Even if you’re buried at sea
Till then, till when I exact my revenge
I’ll tell them you’re dead to me

Were all just trying to hold on to innocence
Youd think they’d notice what were trying to do
These wounds are invisible, underneath the dirt I still see the scars
But then when things got bad we spread our wings and fly away

You’ll take all your riches
In the back of a hearse
Your time is going to come

One day I’ll dance on your graves
Even if you’re buried at sea
Till then, till when I exact my revenge
I’ll tell them you’re dead to me

One day I’ll dance on your grave
Even if you’re buried at sea
Till then, till when I exact my revenge

One day I’ll dance on your graves
Even if you’re buried at sea
Till then, till when I exact my revenge
I’ll tell them you’re dead to me
11. Burnt Ice...... ...
Aha ha ha! Aha ha ha!

He said he’d try just a little bit
He didn’t want to end up like them
And now he blames the voices of a toothless wonder
Pounding on the door to make the next score

Anything for a hit, any sin to pay for it
For that next bowl, he’d sell his soul

Spiral to destruction, it’s too late to break the spell
He wants the ride to stop on the freight train straight to hell
Without the truth he’ll never find in a dungeon of his lies
His cause of death high speed on burnt ice

Always looking at the ground, a broken beaten man
Memories of his family are calling after him
He can hardly thing, hardly walk, phone keeps ringing, he can’t talk
With just one hit the pain would go away but he’s dead if he does

Shadow people follow him everywhere he goes
Looking over his shoulder, the paranoia grows